18 March 2014

A Beautiful Oak Tree

How often do we seek acceptance and love from others? 
We learned this as children – “Do as you’re told and you will get praise and love. Don’t do as you’re told and there will be negative consequences. ”  We learned to fear punishment and to seek approval. 

We have been conditioned to believe that 
we are not good enough just the way we are. 
We need to be better. 
There is no peace to be found in this way of thinking. 

As adults, the target of “being better” keeps moving and the rewards of our behavior are often uncertain or inadequate, failing to create the lasting feelings of joy and contentment that we crave. And so we become lost in the maze of life, searching for the answer to what we feel we are lacking: the right relationship, the right job, the right education, the right body shape, etc. All the while we are crying out with our actions and words, “Notice me! Value me! Love me!” 

And sometimes we obtain our goal and we are rewarded with love and approval and it feels sooo good. But this feeling is a trap! It keeps us hooked into a point-of-view that is all about pleasing other people rather than just feeling good expressing our unique selves. We never learned how to accept and love ourselves just as we are, without (or even with) external approval.

B e a u t i f u l   P e o p l e

I have spent much time admiring the amazing people around me. I’ve looked at others and wished that I could be so confident in myself. So often it seemed to me that other people were just better than me: 
  • more capable
  • more talented
  • more accomplished 
  • and, ultimately, surer of themselves than I ever felt. 

Despite all of the love that my parents gave me, 
my childhood prepared me to believe that I wasn’t good enough. 

I fell into the trap of punishing myself because I fell short of my conditioned expectation that I should always “be better” (whatever that might mean?!) When I compared myself to my vision of others and how I thought I should be, I felt inadequate. And I was certain that others could see this deficiency in me. I was left feeling afraid to share my imperfect self with others. I judged myself and I feared the judgment of others... a double-edged attack! 

Where was the love that my soul craved in order to thrive?

Thus I began a journey to grow and nurture myself... 

A journey back to “Me”. 

And like most journeys, it’s been a long and winding path, ultimately leading me to Quebec and one of the most valuable friendships of my life (je t’aime beaucoup, Pascal!) This friendship has helped me to see the beauty within me, and ultimately to trust it enough to let it shine!

As this New Year 2014 began, I paused to reflect upon the special moments and people that continue to fill me with joy, and to appreciate the abundance of love and support that is all around me. And quite suddenly, I began to see myself differently. In fact, I was struck with a very clear and powerful vision of myself that I want to share here as a way to value and remember it...

I saw myself standing in the woods being embraced in a strong, warm hug of friendship and feeling filled up with acceptance and love until suddenly I was no longer a fragile, uncertain girl, afraid to be myself. I was growing bigger and taller and stronger, up and up, higher and higher, like a giant oak tree, solid and true. And I was magnificent! 

And as I took in this new vision of me, I instinctively recognized the truth... that I was, in fact, already this beautiful tree: tall and strong, healthy and whole, capable and confident – standing proudly in the midst of my surroundings, serenely taking in the view. I saw that there was no need to struggle to "be better", to doubt myself or to wonder if I was OK as I am. I realized that I am a beautiful person and I need only to embrace this vision of me. For this is the truth of who I am. 

And I choose to embody this “Me” who is a strong Oak Tree, 
perfect just as I am.

Now that I see clearly the beauty in myself 
I feel a rich and profound sense of happiness,
 like knowing a marvelous secret.
 But it's a secret that I want to share! 
 And I am proud to say I am ready to let go of my fear and self-judgment and share my beautiful self with others!

Two months have gone by and I remain so grateful for this "vision moment" that caused me to tingle with energy and pure joy!

I still believe that I am a lovely, strong Oak Tree – exactly as I should be – but sometimes I don’t feel so strong and sure. It’s only natural. (I may be a beautiful Oak Tree in my mind but I’m only human! Lol!) Sometimes I find it hard to embody my confident Tree-self as I encounter life’s challenges, so instead I find shelter in my own branches. In other words, rather than always seeking support elsewhere, I’ve discovered that I’m able to provide myself with the love and acceptance that I need. I can put my faith in the strength and constancy of my sturdy Tree-self -- even when I’m feeling small and weak.  

My tree vision grounds me to the place where I want to be... 
at peace with myself and the world.

I am learning to doubt my doubting voice, to comfort my fearful voice, and to send myself as much appreciation and love as I send to those around me! I am learning to be gentle with myself. And when I see old stories threatening to wash away my new vision of peace and strength, I can choose not to be drowned. I can climb up into my tall Oak Tree and watch the wave of doubt and fear pass by me, leaving me intact and unharmed, and ready to take part in this amazing world again. 

I am here.

Thank you to my precious family and friends for your constancy in supporting me 
along my on-going journey. 
I love you all!


  1. My dear friend! Read and see how your beautiful! Merci mille fois pour se partage très personnel mais qui fait tellement de bien à lire! Je suis bien placé pour avoir une bonne idée de tout le parcours accompli depuis ton arrivée au Québec. J'ai fait ta connaissance à Vancouver et nous voilà aujourd'hui devenus des amis fidèles et spirituellement connectés au même but: S'ÉPANOUIR! Merci d'avoir mis en mots et en images cette belle révélation que tu as reçu avec ta métaphore du OAK TREE. Je me sens également honoré d'avoir pu t'accompagner dans tes moments plus difficiles, de doutes mais aussi de joie, d'espoir et de découvertes sur toi-même. Nous sommes tous un miracle unique de la Vie et le bonheur est EN nous. Ton analogie du OAK TREE va m'aider pour le futur à ne jamais oublier que j'ai toutes les ressources EN moi pour un bonheur parfait. Bravo, très beau texte, très beau partage, je suis si fier de tous ces pas que tu as fait depuis 2 ans pour parvenir à écrire "publiquement" toute ta beauté et ton unicité! La Vie t'Adore car tu es un témoin vivant des miracles que peut faire l'Esprit; quand on écoute sa petite voix intérieure. Je t'aime beaucoup aussi Donalyn Simpson! Xx

    1. Merci à toi mon chèr ami! Je suis très touchée que tu as pris le temps de m' ecrire si rapidement et avec tant de générosité de sentiment pour mon texte et mon parcours. Je me sens vraiment fière et "toute pleine" de moi aujourd'hui!

      Merci pour ton douceur en m'encourager patiemment d' ecrire un tel blog si réel et personnel. You always knew it was in me.

      You are an angel working for "La Vie" and I feel blessed to have crossed your path. C'était le destin. :)

      Donalyn xx

  2. Donalyn;
    How very brave you are, thank you for sharing your journey into courage with us. We think of you so very often and wonder when you are coming home. It sounds like you may be making plans to stay in Quebec. Each of us have to make that search into ourselves to find the true beauty that has always been within. Some are too afraid to see what is there and to them I can only say courage is fear that has said it's prayers. We are all fearful at various times in our life and discovering that we can walk through the fear is what builds our spirit and nurtures our strength. For you it is a tree and a spectacularly beautiful metaphor it is. I have learned over my many years on this planet that we can choose to embrace the beautiful creative self or we can listen to the linear director who tends to be a critic but we need both of these parts of us. One is our practical voice which pays the rent and keeps us from stepping in front of a bus and the other is our nurturer, our spirit. When we become truly familiar with these two selves we can decide when it is appropriate to listen to which one is speaking. You are clearly doing that now and I am deeply happy for you. Congratulations on your discoveries and remember that you have the ability to listen to the right voice.
    Love Deanne

    1. Thank you so much Deanne for your thoughtful words of encouragement. Your message served to underscore for me the power of facing our fears... as you said, we all have them and when we walk through them it can be amazingly beautiful what we find on the other side... often the opposite of what we feared. For me, by sharing myself openly in this blog post, I found not judgement but reflections of love coming to me... reflecting back the honesty and beauty in those who read my blog and were touched by it.

      I smiled when I read your comment that we need to also listen to the practical side of us who keeps us out of harms way (like being hit by a bus!) You are so right! And it is a very timely message as we consider our decision to stay in Quebec or to return to Vancouver. I will certainly remember your wise words that I have the ability to listen to the right voice.

      Merci my wise friend! xx

  3. Toi? You have insecurities? Non - ce n'est pas possible. I always thought you were so self-assured. I will always remember the time you argued with my dad about what time I should have to come home...I was so impressed that you were standing up to him! Perhaps that wasn't so much self-confidence as recklessness?!

    But thanks for sharing this - I think we all feel these things much of the time, but most of us try to hide it! I'm impressed with all that you've taken on and accomplished au Québec, and I am 100% sure that you are far stronger than you've given yourself credit for. (I'd like to have commented in french but I can't remember how to say argue...or recklessness...or self-assured...or...)
    - ton amie Carey

    1. Thanks for your words of support, Carey. You always make me smile. It's good to know that I have old friends on my side, even when they're far away... and can't properly express themselves in french. ;)

  4. Beautiful blog Donalyn. Hope you guys are doing well. I miss talking with you guys.

  5. LOVED your blogpost. You are magnificent, Donalyn!

  6. Your blog is AMAZING. It's so raw, poetic, HONEST. Your pictures match the words symphonically. WOW!

    Happy Spring,

    1. Thank you so much Victoria! I'm so happy to know that my blog touched you in some way. It felt good to write it and then share it. (The sharing was the hard part, but the important part for me.)

      Hope you are doing well and enjoying the spring flowers in Vancouver!

    2. Sharing takes bravery and you've got it!
      Yours, Victoria

  7. Thank you Donalyn for your beautiful and inspiring text! I am sure that this picture of an Oak Tree will help me. I have to progress in my self-acceptance and I think that this new vision of myself is a great one! Thank you! Xxx
    Jade Archambault

    1. Thank you Jade! I am glad to know that you were inspired by my text, and I greatly appreciate that you took the time to write to me... and in English! Wow!!

      Since I first met you in Vancouver, it has been clear to me that you are already a very beautiful tree and it is a pleasure to be here to watch you continue to bloom! Patience et foi ma chère amie!

      Donalyn xx

  8. Hi Donalyn. Just read your blog. Go Girl!

    Figure it is about time you saw yourself the way we see you. It is interesting the metaphor you chose and the struggles you speak of staying upright, when even the strongest tree has to learn to lean over and bend to the wind once in a while. It is natural and necessary and certainly nothing to be self conscience about.

    Love ya and miss you in Vancouver. We even toyed with the idea of visiting you again this year in Quebec :)


    1. Thank you Sean for your heartfelt response to my blog. It made me smile. I greatly appreciate your words of support and your reminder that we all bend and sway in the wind sometime. I like that image very much and will add it to my tree-vision.

      Big hugs you and your family. Looking forward to when we see you again!
      Donalyn xx

  9. So lovely to hear from you. Thank you for sharing your personal journey...I feel we are on a similar journey at the same time. At the end of last year..I too had a bit of a epiphany around the need to stop the eternal seeking for something else (perhaps as you so poignantly put into your blog never thinking you are good enough). 2014 is a new year where I am focusing on being mindful and grateful for all of life’s small moments, because after all that is what life is...just a series of moments that we can let simply slip by or really savor.

    As you say I hope the one gift we can give to our children is the gift of self-esteem ,a strong sense of who they are and the certitude that no matter who they are, they are valued and have something to contribute to the world it is simply up to them to decide how.

    1. Thank you so much for sharing your experience with me, Marguerite. It does seem that we are on a similar path. :)

      Being mindful and grateful for all that we have is so important in this world where so many things vie for our attention. I am happy to know that you, too, are finding your way to savor the joy and peace that can be found right now by living in the moment. And the beautiful thing is that we can make this decision over and over again, if (and when) we forget and get caught up in our old patterns. ;)

      I'd love to know if you are using any tools or resources (ie. books) to help guide you on your journey. I've greatly appreciated reading "The 4 Agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz, as well as an audio series called "Pathway to Happiness" by Gary van Warmerdam.

      We are living examples to our children. We don't have to be everything. We just have to be ourselves. And we are each beautiful! And life is here to be enjoyed with all of its precious moments and amazing people!

      I am grateful for your friendship in my life. I believe that we can help each other to stay on the track that we've chosen.

      Donalyn xx

  10. Good morning, Donalyn,
    I have received both of your emails and enjoyed reading your blog. It's amazing! How can a mother know her child, and yet not know her at all. I loved you when you were born, when you were a little girl, when you were a teen, when you were in your twenties and thirties, and I love you even more now. I'm hoping that you won't be sad, if or when you return to Vancouver.
    You are never far from me in my thoughts and prayers.
    Love you forever,
    Hugs and kisses,
